My friend Jermaine shared a picture on the web recently. He had just finished a great meal of Chinese food and posted a shot of the message he found in his fortune cookie. Now I'm not suggesting that Chrisitans get life wisdom or direction from fortune cookies, but the cookie’s message he shared is worth repeating: “Do not mistake temptation for opportunity.” Wow, so this means that every door that opens to me isn’t God’s best? This means that every option isn’t intended to be a blessing? This means that I could miss God’s best by taking something that he didn’t send? How can I tell the difference between a potential blessing or a potential curse?
I love to share this with young leaders when I get the opportunity: Knowledge has to do with what I know I can do. But wisdom has to do with knowing what I should do. Can vs. should. That’s a huge part of our lives and the directions we choose to take. And while we have scriptural principles to guide our lives, sometimes we’re presented with options that aren’t so clearcut. In some cases I could have a good option or I could have an even better option. Sure, it’s always easier to look back and know later what the right decision would have been. That’s part of learning and growing in life. But what if I could know some things ahead of time, so that my percentage of right choices could be even higher? The good news is that God hasn’t abandoned us in this life. He’s walking it with us, and always at the ready to share his wisdom and direction. I encourage you today to spend time with him in the process of life’s decisions. He always knows more than we do, and he always wants the best option for us.
I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life.
–Deuteronomy 30:19 (GNT)